A healthy lifestyle is an important goal for consumers of our Community Strategies Programs. Many have been involved in weight loss efforts, some losing more than 100 pounds in the past year. One of the women, Heather, who has been very successful in our Healthy Living initiative decided to celebrate her success by participating in this year’s 20-mile Walk for Hunger in Boston.
Inspired by her story, CRJ rallied around her. The four other women from the Westborough Residence supported her efforts to raise money and awareness. They made chocolate covered pretzels, table place mats, posters, and collection cans. Shades of Tan in Webster, MA and a dental office in Putnam, CT placed collection cans and vases of the pretzels sticks for those that would like to donate. Many CRJ staff donated money to the team and others volunteered to walk with her. In all we raised over $1,000.
The day of the walk was cool and a bit overcast. Yet as the CRJ team moved to the starting line, Heather told COO Bill Coughlin, “I know this is going to be the best day!” Just as she got to the 8-mile mark, however, Heather took a fall and was forced to go to the hospital. Heather continued to inspire the team and, in her honor, Janet Szlyk, CS Assistant Director, and Michelle McCormick, CS Director of Business Administration, pushed on to complete the full 20 miles.
And Heather continues to inspire. Just a few weeks after her injuries, Heather performed wonderfully in her dance recital. Thanks Heather for making CRJ and the world a better place!