Community Resources for Justice is proud to announce that the organization has signed 100% Talent: The Boston Women’s Compact, which commits CRJ to join other employers in the city in helping to ensure men and women receive equal pay for equal work and to eliminate barriers to women’s advancement.
The compact is sponsored by the Boston Women’s Workforce Council, an initiative of Mayor Martin J. Walsh. It’s based on the beliefs that employers who respect and value all employees can better attract and retain talent, that empowering women supports healthier families and vibrant communities, and that the persistent wage gap between men and women in Boston and beyond means there’s a lot more work to be done.
The compact has so far attracted more than 170 signers.
“The compact fits squarely with CRJ’s core beliefs that everyone deserves to be valued and treated fairly,” CRJ President and Chief Executive Officer John Larivee said. “Signing the 100% Talent Compact puts CRJ in good company with private-sector employers, higher education institutions, and other human service organizations that have recognized closing the gender wage gap as an important goal that will benefit all of us.”
By signing the compact, CRJ has committed to understand the root causes of the wage gap, implement or strengthen interventions within the organization, and to participate in a biennial review of successes and challenges. CRJ will also share data to help track the compact’s success over time.