Community Resources for Justice was on hand Saturday August 6th, 2016 at a Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators (CJCA) event to honor CJCA’s founding Executive Director Ned Loughran.
Ned formed CJCA in the mid-1990s to develop leadership in the field of juvenile corrections and to ultimately improve the lives of the youth who enter the system.
Prior to launching CJCA, Ned was Commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services (DYS) which, under his leadership, was recognized for having low youth recidivism rates and cost-effectiveness. Prior to his service with DYS, Ned served as a program director and administrator with the New York State Division for Youth.
Ned is a long-time friend of CRJ and we honor his vast contributions to the field of juvenile justice and his immeasurable commitment to young people.
Photo caption: CRJ’s President and CEO John Larivee, Ned Loughran (center), and CRJ Managing Associate Barbara Pierce Parker