It’s been a busy tax season for some clients of Community Strategies of Massachusetts, who’ve been doing their part to help make sure people remember to file on time.
Several clients have found work as “wavers” for Liberty Tax Services offices around the state. Dressed up in Statue of Liberty costumes, it’s their job to hold signs, dance, sing, and wave to pedestrians and drivers, encouraging them to come in and get some help with their taxes from a professional.
On the job, clients working for Liberty Tax Services brave the snow, sleet, and winter chills to earn a paycheck.
Per, a resident of CS’s Bellingham group home, regularly endures the cold weather while waving to the public. A steady paycheck keeps him motivated throughout the tax season.
“Just think of a warm place and smile,” he said. “Plus I want money.”
It might sound like a simple job, but that’s not always true. In addition to frigid temperatures, the occasional rude driver passes by. Per remembers once where a motorist made some insulting comments while driving by his post in Milford, but he didn’t let it get to him.
“I laughed it off and went right back to work,” Per said.
Positive attitudes like Per’s have helped Community Strategies clients become more successful in the workplace.
The clients work hard to reach their personal development goals, with some help from CS staff.
Staff regularly work with their clients to prepare for “real life,” often by role-playing possible scenarios, both positive and negative, to help them become successful in the community. CS staff assist clients to build social and vocational skills as well as helping them develop confidence in becoming better integrated within their communities.